As a maker and small business owner, I’ve been market stalling for almost 10 years. I’m based in the south-west of Western Australia, an area of sparse
population within a relatively low populated state and country by global standards. It has been crucial from a business point of view to find a space where I am
able to have people reach me and my products. As much as the idea of having a static store front seems an appealing proposition, I know that it is not a viable
one at this stage and in the current economic climate. The number of businesses closing shop in this regional town tucked away from the main tourist
circuit (& thus losing out on gaining extra trade from the passing traveller and holiday maker) as well as the number of unoccupied shops only serves to shake my
confidence in the brick and tile setting.
I’ve found that doing markets around the area where I live (sometimes travelling an hour away from home) has been the best approach for me as I can present
my “mobile” shop to areas where people congregate and where I can be assured of customers looking for local items.
This is a lifestyle choice that suits my situation and circumstances. I am able to find a balance between creating at home, homeschooling two high-schoolers,
developing the garden, being involved as a mum and wife and all other roles in between. Doing markets in the weekend leaves room for all this.
The nature of my business is one of small scale production, be it my olive oil soaps & skincare or my handwoven scarves. Therefore, a market stall is an ideal
place for me to showcase handcrafted items that are not a part of a mass assembly line produce. I don’t have the time or place for bulk as I do for quality,
diversity and uniqueness. My market stall space affords me the luxury and flexibility of presenting what I create and when I am able, to customers who get a first
hand account of the products that they are purchasing. Provenance of items is close to my heart and I am glad to share that with the people I meet at the
They are a great place to meet like-minded people to network with. This is how I met many of my current sources of raw material from goat’s milk and
handspun wool to beeswax and local olive oil. It’s a place to buy fresh quality produce directly from the farmer and artisan alike.
Markets are more widespread these days compared to when I first started off when there was just a handful that were often difficult to get in. This means I have
more of a choice and can make my decision based on location and personal convenience.
From the way things are, I predict market stalling will only continue to grow from a business perspective and for the benefit of discerning consumers wishing for
an alternative.
Find me at these markets:
Boyanup Farmers Market – 4th Sunday
Busselton Foreshore Markets – 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays
Bunbury Markets – 3rd Saturday
Dunsborough Central Markets – 2nd Saturday
Vasse Markets – 1st Saturday